Skilled Gen Zs and Millennials aren’t loyal - they’re realistic.

Less than 50% of Gen Zs and Millennials think your business is bad business.

They don’t believe your business is interested in helping society or in making a difference.

Right now, the top talent that you need to take your business into tomorrow is judging you and you’re probably failing.

What Gen Zs and Millennials want is a business that walks the Corporate Social Investment (CSI) talk and that makes real positive change.

According to Deloitte's long-running Gen Z and Millennial Survey (2024), only 49% of Gen Zs and 47% of Millennials believe that your business really cares, it makes for an easier decision for them to leave to join the companies that do.

According to the survey, these generations, not unlike those who came before them, want meaningful work within purpose-driven organisations, the flexibility to balance work and personal priorities, supportive workplaces that foster better mental health, opportunities to continue to learn and grow in their careers, and competitive pay and benefits.

Roughly six in 10 Gen Zs and Millennials believe that business has the opportunity to influence a range of societal challenges:

Nearly two-thirds of Gen Zs and Millennials (63%) believe business can influence social equality. They believe businesses can do this by ensuring equal pay and pay transparency (42% of Gen Zs and 46% of Millennials) and creating inclusive employment opportunities (38% of Gen Zs and 39% of Millennials).

Making these changes is not easy and takes time. It requires employers to constantly listen and adjust their strategies, but it is a worthwhile investment as the cost of not doing it, far outweighs the cost of doing it. Businesses that get this right will have a more satisfied, productive, engaged, and agile workforce.

Read more about how forgood gives your business the tools it needs to attract and retain talent.

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