Phronesis Student Development Trust
Babies, Children & Youth
Douglasdale, Sandton, 2191, South Africa
We help children from underprivileged communities by fundraising for their Primary Basic Education and ECD.
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More about Phronesis Student Development Trust
Phronesis Student Development Trust is a South African Non-profit organization that operates in an informal settlement in the heart of Johannesburg, Kya Sands. The Kya Sands Pipeline informal settlement is home to more than 30 000 people, which includes young vulnerable children. Since its inception in 2009 in the area, Phronesis Students Development Trust has established a no-fee paying early childhood development centre / school that currently provides Early Childhood Development Services to 160 children. The school has been a lighthouse in the community, giving the children an opportunity to escape hunger and malnutrition as they receive nutritious healthy meals every day, while of course receiving a quality education that promises them a better future of escaping the shackles of poverty. Further, the school serves as a safe haven for our children as during the day they are able to escape domestic violence, sexual molestation and child abuse, which is very common in this unsafe informal settlement, never mind in South Africa as a whole. Through this fundraiser we are aiming to raise R380.00 per Child per Month, for 160 ECD Students for 12 Months (January 2021 – December 2021). As mentioned above our school is a no-fee paying school that functions solely on the help of sponsorships and donations. We also don’t receive any funding, grants or subsidies from the government as the school is located in an informal settlement. This further places our children at a disadvantage as they are deprived of a safe quality education merely because they were born in unfortunate conditions, conditions which they did not choose for themselves. There’s an African proverb that says “It takes a village to raise a child”, and we as the Phronesis Students Development Trust NPO are asking you to be a part of this village that is working tirelessly to ensure children in the Kya Sands Pipeline Informal Settlement receive a safe quality education. We have introduced this “Champion an ECD Student Campaign” that gives individuals and businesses an opportunity to pay it forward through their commitment to sponsor the education and 2 meals a day, of one or more of our children at our Early Childhood Development Centre for an investment of R380.00. To some R380.00 is just a takeaway meal from a restaurant, but to our children R380.00 is a hope, a quality education, a promise of a better life, and a better future. As Nelson Mandela once said, “education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world”. Below is a detailed breakdown of what the Donation of R380.00 towards Championing an ECD Student will cover; • ECD Operating Hours: 06:00am – 06:00pm • Daily Nutrition : 2 meals everyday (Breakfast and Lunch) • Education: Quality teaching, Text and Exercise books, stationery, reading development, homework tutoring • Sports, Arts & Culture: Various Sports, Choir, Mini Soccer, Netball Chess, and Knitting and other Crafts, • Clothing: Full School Uniform, School Shoes and School Bag • Teacher Child Ratio: 1 Educator and Assistant per 20 Children. For Championing a Child, YOU will receive: • A profile of the Student that you choose to sponsor; • Quarterly Progress Reports with photos of their progress; • Participation at their graduation and a trip year end; • A Sponsor Certificate; and • An open day where you can come and meet the child, and view the Child’s work. There are 4 ways to partner; ANNEXTURE 1 : PARTNERSHIP CATEGORIES The CAN Pay a registration fee of R380.00. Collect / Receive a CAN. Fill it with ONLY R5.00 coins. [for Year 2021 = 18July2020 to 18November2020]. Drop of or request collection of CAN by the 18th of November, 2020. The break even Cost to educate an ECD Student is R380.00 per month and R4 560.00 per year. 1-CAN carries R2280.00 which covers 6 months of costs for one ECD Student. Monthly Debit Order An Individual, Company or an Organisation can choose to commit to a monthly debit order to Champion 1 or more ECD Students monthly. Annual Amount An Individual, Company or an Organisation can choose to commit to a monthly debit order to Champion 1 or more ECD Students annually. Once Off Amount An Individual, Company or an Organisation can choose to commit to an amount to Champion 1 or more ECD Students. All donations to Phronesis Students Development Trust NPO are Tax deductible; PSDT is a Section 18A Public Benefit Organisation. Your help in this regard will be greatly appreciated by Phronesis Students Development Trust NPO and its beneficiaries. We are looking forward to a favourable response.