Corporate Volunteering in Action. Showcasing ECD Centres!

Nkhensani Dhumazi works in the Compliance team at Momentum Metropolitan, one of forgood's corporate clients. MM has their own bespoke version of, where employees can find social impact projects to get involved in. Their platform is called MM Volunteers.

Nkhensani found out about MM Volunteers through internal communication. She went on to register and selected a Cause to assist. She had just moved to Durban when she saw the email and thought that volunteering would be a great way to get to know the area and meet people with similar interests.

Here is her story…

"I have a soft spot for babies and children, and I enjoy working with them. My love for kids made me relate more towards the Cause I chose – Chic Mamas Do Care.

Chic Mamas raises funds to support Early Childhood Development (ECD) projects in neighbouring communities. They resell pre-loved clothes received from donors to fund these ECD centres. If you are ever in Durban, do visit the lovely boutique in Westville. I have been there myself and bought myself two beautiful dresses!

Nkhensani Dhumazi shares her expertise

The Cause asked for help to raise awareness about the ECD Centres they sponsor, and they also needed assistance in drafting formal documents.

I assisted by helping the ladies from the sponsored ECD Centres create social media platforms where they can reach and inform more people about what they do. I'll be meeting with the ladies again and our next session will focus on drafting of formal documents. These are crucial for the centres as they rely wholly on donor funding.

It is always amazing when people from different walks of life meet and collaborate towards a common goal.

Working with the Cause was a gratifying experience, but it was also a learning experience. Another organisation (Upper Highway Baby Home) where I also volunteered, donated toys to one of these ECD centres, it was amazing to see one NPO donate to another NPO. A perfect example of Ubuntu!"

Visit Chic Mamas do Care Durban on forgood.

Have you tried Virtual Volunteering yet?

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