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Viva Village Independent School makes a Big Difference

How the Viva Village Independent School impacts the lives of extremely underprivileged children in the Alaska Informal Settlement

Our dream to open an independent school at the Viva Village, to accommodate the learners 'graduating' from Viva Kids Early Learning Centre, came true in 2013, when Capitalworks indicated the willingness to fund the CAPEX of establishing a school and the subsequent OPEX of one of the School Grades. We chose to use converted shipping containers as classrooms, as there is no building allowance in the informal settlement. In 2014 we opened with 30 learners in Grade R and have been able to add a Grade per year, up to 2019, when we welcomed our Grade 5 learners too! We are hoping to establish a fully-fledged primary school and took on every challenge in this process head-on. We provide 2 cooked meals a day and a snack. This is often the only meals the children would get all day, until their parent, or care-giver comes home. Food security is still such a problem to many South African families. We often find parents sending children to school, even if they are ill, because there is no food at home and at least at school they receive meals. Recently on "Good Morning Angels" [Jacaranda FM], presenter Martin Bester asked our young head-boy, what he loves about his school. His answer brought tears to our eyes. "When I get to the school and enter the gate, I feel free and safe." Martin asked him what he feels safe from? His answer: "From people who want to steal me and get me to do things I dont want to do." We sometimes forget how vulnerable and at risk children are in informal settlements. So apart from the education and meals, ensuring safety, creates an environment that they deeply appreciate on a personal level. Our school has a computer lab, we teach art and music and provide excellent education to our learners from the surrounding informal settlement. What a joy it is to converse with our learners! They are so well-spoken, polite, well-mannered and well-versed. It is as if you are speaking to a learner from the finest private school in the country. Perhaps it is! On the 1st of February 2021, the second campus opened in Refilwe, near Cullinan.

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