The Ububele Educational and Psychotherapy Trust

2 from 1 activities
 City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Gauteng

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The Ububele Educational and Psychotherapy Trust


Babies, Children & Youth


Alexandra, 2090, South Africa

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We help Children and families by providing mental health, emotional and learning support.

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More about The Ububele Educational and Psychotherapy Trust

The Ububele Educational and Psychotherapy Trust is a mental health and ECD training organization founded in 1999, based on the edges of Alexandra township to support and stimulate mental and emotional health for young children and parental relationships. The primary beneficiaries are children, their parents from this under-resourced community of approximately 700 000 people. Secondary beneficiaries are young mental health professionals who are given training and superior supervision, on-site, with a view to growing the mental health care profession based on realities as well as theories. Our primary organizational aims are to: • Assess local needs, research, develop and implement training courses focused on preventative mental health strategies for children, their parents and caregivers. • Provide psychotherapy and educational assessment services and a pre-school to the Alexandra community, and opportunities for high-quality training and supervision of young professionals to ...

Our staff (4)

Esther Chunga profile photo

Esther Chunga

Executive Director

Safiya Bobat profile photo

Safiya Bobat

Community Therapy Services Manager


Intern psychologists Nkululeko Hadebe and Jenna Fernandes talking high school learners ...

Intern psychologists Nkululeko Hadebe and Jenna Fernandes talking high school learners about the impact of bullying on one's mental health

Early Childhood Community Practitioner, Florence Ramoshaba, visiting a mother at her home ...

Early Childhood Community Practitioner, Florence Ramoshaba, visiting a mother at her home in Alexandra, Johannesburg

Community Project Corodinator, Thandiwe Khumalo, training the mother on sharing a book ...

Community Project Corodinator, Thandiwe Khumalo, training the mother on sharing a book with her child.

Assistant ECD Educator, Modester Nyavira, using a Persona Doll, to talk to a Preschool ...

Assistant ECD Educator, Modester Nyavira, using a Persona Doll, to talk to a Preschool learner about her feelings.

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