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Science Film Festival

Since its first edition in 2005, the Science Film Festival has become one of the biggest film festivals worldwide, with over 1 million visitors. Play Africa joined the Goethe-Institut South Africa to host the Science Film Festival in 2019. In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Play Africa joined virtual workshops with partners around the globe to develop learning activities for early learners and primary school level students.

The Science Film Festival promotes science films from all over the world to help encourage a love of science. But the Science Film Festival is not only about screening films. Just as important are the hands-on learning activities that accompany each screening, which further explain some of the key concepts in the films. The interactive nature of this programme makes it a springboard for developing a life-long, exciting passion for science, not just science films. Goals of Science Film Festival 1.Promote science literacy * Develop an awareness of science concepts in children ages 5-10 * Facilitate awareness of contemporary scientific, technological and environmental issues through film and television content * Support a deeper understanding of these scientific issues with accompanying hands-on, experiential educational activities 2. Ignite creative learning through science * Through novel educational actvities, help children develop new capacities for critical thinking, and creative problem solving * Provide children with exciting new learning environments, exhibits and materials that invite them to test, experiment and explore 3. Celebrate science and technology in our everyday lives * Ensure films are made accessible by reinforcing the key messages using positive, clear language that children can understand * Help children understand that science is not just a "hard" subject taught at school, but is part of our every day lives, helps make our lives better, and is generally a source of inspiration! * Empower children to continue scientific learning at home.

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