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Meet one of our Mentee's

A story of what is happening in a young girls life who is on our Mentorship Program.

Meet Kgomotso (13)! She has been part of i4118 Mentorship for three years and according to her, it has been the best three years of her life. “Aunty Liz is like a mother to me, and she is always ready to help, teaching us a lot of life skills, and we also do a lot of fun things." Aunty Liz (her Mentor), on the other hand, said that Kgomotso is a very kind, caring and respectful girl. “She is always willing to help and underneath her mask has the most beautiful smile which will light up a whole city”. Kgomotso lost both her parents when she was little and has been raised by her foster parents. When asked about how she is dealing with the loss of her parents she said that she accepted her situation, “I really do have a great support system. My foster parents have been so good to me, and I love them like my own parents. They really do take care of me,” she said. Her foster mom, SIbongile, who is a nurse and a frontline worker, is her biggest inspiration in life. “Not only is she saving lives daily, but she saved me. She plays a very important role in my life because she is a go-getter.” She is the youngest of three children, who’s favorite subject in school is Zulu because, to her, it is such a beautiful language. When she grows up, she wants to be a doctor who works with sick children. One of her biggest dreams in life is to buy a house for her foster parents. Her favorite animal is a dog and purple and blue are her favorite colors. In her spare time, she enjoys listening to any kind of music. During a recent event the girls were asked to share what the five values (Courage, Respect, Kindness, Self-Discipline, Honest) meant with them. Kgomotso shared the following descriptions of what each means to her. • “Courage: To face your fears and conquer them, • Honesty: That you should tell the truth even when it hurts. • Kindness: To always have a good heart. • Respect: “To treat others and their time the way you want to be treated. • Self-Discipline: To do the right thing before someone tells you to.” The one value out of all five that stands out for her is Respect, “If you have respect not only for others but for yourself you are already on a good path. You can learn a lot from the word respect,” she explained. She wrote them onto a foam hand and she shared that “I have put it up against our fridge at home so that my whole family can see them. After sharing with my teacher she asked me to create a poster of the values and share them with my class”.

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