Headway Gauteng (The Brain Injury Association)
829 Elias Motsoaledi Rd, Jabavu, Soweto, 1818, South Africa
We help individuals and families affected by brain injury by offering counselling, support and therapy services..
How can you help?
Help Headway Gauteng (The Brain Injury Association) by donating two wall clocks for our therapy ...
Help Headway Gauteng (The Brain Injury Association) by donating arts and crafts materials and ...
More about Headway Gauteng (The Brain Injury Association)
Headway Gauteng, started in 1995, is a registered non profit organisation dedicated to offering counselling, support and therapy programmes to adult survivors of acquired brain injury (ABI) as well as support to their families. The vast majority of our injured members have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result of a motor vehicle /pedestrian vehicle accident, assault or fall. We also assist survivors of other acquired brain injuries such as stroke. All our members have led a full life up until the time of their brain injury, which has caused permanent changes to physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioural processes.