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15 Year Old

A 15-year-old girl was sexually violated by her school bus driver

A 15 years old survivor was sexually violated by her school transport driver. The driver told the survivor that loved her and paid her money to use at the school tuckshop in return for sexual favours. The perpetrator in this case took the survivor to a local clinic in Hazyview to get contraceptives for the survivor, as he wanted to continue to have a sexual intercourse with her without the risk of pregnancy. At the clinic the nurse on duty asked him how he was related to the survivor. When he failed to provide a proper answer, the nurse demanded the survivors parents contact number and called her mother. Before leaving home, the survivors mother advised her other 12 year old daughter that she was going to Hazyview clinic as their school transport driver has taken her sister to get contraceptives without her consent. The younger daughter then revealed that everytime they are fetched from school, the driver would drop everybody off at their stations but her sister would remain with him. She also told her mother that the driver always gives survivor money to buy lunch at school. Survivor's mother went to search in the survivor's room and found over R 500.00 hidden in her school flip file – she took this money with her to the clinic. When she arrived at the clinic, the nurse advised what had happened. The concerned mother immeadiately took the survivor to Hazyview police station to open a sexual assualt/rape case against the driver. MAMA Mamsy was on duty she assisted with the case. She interviewed the survivor,and discovered that the survivor understood that the driver and herself were in a romantic relationship and they had had sex before without using condoms. The police officers at Hazyview initially refused to open the case as they believed that the survivors consented to sex. MAMA Mamsy advocated for the survivor and explained stautory rape and how this case was a major concern especially as the driver has direct contact with so many school going children that he could also potentially manipulate. The police agreed to open a formal case thanks to MAMA Mamsy. The survivor was then taken to GRIP’s Matikwana hospital care room for forensic examinations and treatment. She is currently receiving psycho-social support form our Social Worker. The Bus Driver was arrested by SAPS.

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