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Update from Class of 2021

It’s been a year of learning and adjusting but we keep on going strong

The Great Girls 2021 programme is in full swing, with 52 girls enrolled in Lavender Hill and Belhar. The programme was setback by an extended lockdown period that limited the number of people who could gather, but that didn’t hold us back. The brilliant minds that are the trustees and programme coordinators of Great Girls got together; re-planned the programme to work out perfectly, ending on the originally planned dates. With lockdown restrictions relaxed, we were able to commence with the modules. To date, both locations have completed five of the seven modules, and came together for a lovely outing to Green Point Park on Saturday, 18 September. The modules have been jam-packed with insightful topics ranging from Budgeting and Taxes to Acing an Interview and Workplace Communication. It is amazing to witness the “Aha” moments that the girls have and to see them discovering a powerful, bold and brave side of themselves. What started as a bunch of strangers coming together to explore something new is turning into a sisterhood of like-minded women with lifelong friendships and networks forming. The girls’ confidence level has sky-rocketed, and the buzz of excitement for the remaining modules and the much-anticipated graduation is tangible. The mentors, speakers, and volunteers contributing to the programme are invaluable; their investment in the girls’ lives is priceless, and we cannot thank them enough. We look forward to witnessing the successes of the 2021 programme and to continue empowering the girls by mentoring them for the next two years.

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