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The 1st Eco-Club Ceremony of the Year

The first Eco-Club project finished with a beautiful ceremony!

The first Eco-Club project finished with a beautiful ceremony! Our Outreach Manager has been running the Eco-Club project over the past six weeks with over thirty students at Maahlamele High School. The Grade 9 students have learned so much and many of them have become passionate about protecting their natural environment. The students are selected from a pool of volunteer applications. Then, they take part in various lessons and activities around the environment like the geography of Africa, waste management, tree planting, and wildlife crime. They made their final presentation about these different lessons. Also, after all these sessions, 2 ambassadors were chosen to help the Outreach Manager in his future lessons to other schools. They are the representatives of the program in their school and their community. The ceremony was held on a Saturday to allow the students’ families and friends to come, along with some of the volunteers in the local church for a presentation made by the students. Their excitement was obvious. This was a great opportunity for their community to learn as well. They received different gifts and certificates to acknowledge their participation and dedication. To reward them, the students also got the chance to visit DAKTARI for a night, where they could see the animals and the staff one more time. They had few lessons but mainly a good time around the pool or games and dancing! By empowering underprivileged children to become actors of social and environmental change within their community, we are making South Africa a better place.

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