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Releasing some of our animal friend!

A lot has been going on at DAKTARI and we are very excited to update you on our Wildlife Orphanage.

We're excited to say that we were able to give quite a few of our resident animal friends a new start with the new year. We did 3 animal releases since our last newsletter that we are very proud of. The first release was our group of mongooses. We were able to give 12 of these little furry animals a new home on a neighbouring reserve where they quickly started exploring and playing! The second release involved our beloved waterbuck Pacou. Pacou was hand raised by volunteers at DAKTARI but he was getting too big and we wanted him to have the best life he could. Early January, we walked him over to a nearby farm where he will roam free and hopefully join another herd of waterbuck. And last but not least we set two of our squirrels free! During the year we get lots of little squirrels that are found in people's houses or fall from the roof. We had two of them in the past few months that were raised by our volunteers. Squirrels are really independent really quickly, so it was time for them to go their own way. We wish them a happy and prosperous life in the wild!

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