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collection of blankets and clothing

In 2014, we launched PROJECT100 where we sourced more than 100 blankets, clothes and food items which we gave out to the less privileged in Windsor and Tsietsi Palm ridge. The aim was to ensure that basic needs for winter are provided for to the less fortunate. As Ambassadors 4 change our mission is to keep children well throughout winter by providing food and educational material. We also help provide blankets, jerseys, sweaters, hats, scarfs and beanies. By so doing, we hope to empower the less privileged children within our community and other communities with children in need. By July 2014 we had managed to reach our goal that is to collect 100 blankets, we also got clothing such as jerseys, hats, sweaters thanks to our sponsors OMNIA Nutrition, Flight Center, Fountainebleu Charity Store, VVM Attorneys and the community of Windsors we are looking forward to reaching out to more children, providing more than blankets to them. we would like to provide school equipment , personal development material. thank you so much to all those who made Project100 a success

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