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Empowered to Start a Business

Through the Africa Matters Youth Leadership Development Program (YLDP) in Nigeria, I learnt about social entrepreneurship and I was empowered to set up my e-commerce platform.

My name is Onor Jairus. I am a business trader, and I trade in plumbing materials in Lagos, Nigeria. I am looking to launch an e-commerce site to enable and make easier the sale of plumbing materials through the website. With the benefit of the AMI seminar, I have insights on how to set this up, and ensure that it is run properly. The seminar taught me methods in social entrepreneurship, using the case study of BRAC, and how to think innovatively to find solutions to problems. I also learnt that through a dynamic vision and mission, it is easy for the business to distinguish itself, and I hope to be a brand that the customer remembers. As a trader, I realize that to keep my customers coming back. I have to develop a business strategy and plan on how to make sure that my business continues to grow. I have begun with setting up the first things for my e-commerce platform, and hope that it will grow bigger with time. I am so grateful for the seminar that AMI hosted to help youth to know the role we can play in policy-making, and the part we can play to have a better Africa. Also, the leadership characteristics that were shared were very informative. If I can say, AMI Youth Leadership Development Seminar is one of the best! I can recommend it to any other youth.

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