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Charity Golf Day

Charity Golf Day

As a charity that has been working to support marginalised children and their households for over 75 years, I am pleased to invite you to our inaugural Golf Day designed to raise much needed funding for the charity. The funds support a variety of integrated interventions including feeding and education support for children from extremely poor families. As you will know, the impact of the COVID19 pandemic as well as the recent social unrests in the country have dealt a huge blow to the livelihoods of marginalised communities in our country and we have experienced a massive upsurge in demand for support to basic food essentials. I would like to reach out to you and give you an opportunity to partner with us to sponsor a fundraising Golf day which we aim to raise a million rand to enable the work of ACFS to reach over 22000 children and their poor families. Please contact us for the different packages we are offering. Each option will also provide you and your firm a number of partner benefits which I believe offer tremendous value to your staff and business. Please contact us on (011) 839-2630,,

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